3.3.1 Installing the Tie-Back Bracket
For the perpendicular configuration, make sure that the anchor plate with the hole points toward the stan-
chion base, see Figure 7. For the parallel configuration, the orientation of the tie-back bracket is not
The tie-back bracket must be attached with two clamps to two rebar/shear studs. Two bolts are required for
each clamp saddle.
Put the tie-back bracket in position on the beam so the location where the tie-back chain attaches to
the tie-back bracket is a minimum of 36 in. (91 cm) away from where the tie-back chain attaches to the
top of the stanchion. This 36 in. (91 cm) dimension is a horizontal dimension. See Figures 7 and 8.
Make sure that the tie-back bracket is aligned with the stanchion base.
Put the clamp saddles around the rebar/shear studs.
Put washer on each 1/2 in. diameter bolt, then insert through a slotted hole in the tie-back bracket and
then thread into the clamp saddle.
Move the clamp saddles in the slotted holes to make sure that the rebar/shear studs are in the center
indentation of the clamp saddles.
Tighten the bolts equally so the clamp saddles are evenly aligned with the tie-back bracket.
Torque the bolts to 60 ft-lbf (80 Nm).
Make sure that the tie-back bracket is flush with the top of the beam.
MSA Stanchion