Electronic coils with fixed advance
Electronic coil TC UNIT elect-ignition
Electronic coil with high tension bobbin: TC UNIT K15 + bobbin
Technical features:
Feeding of the electronic coil: original
maximum number of revolutions/minute: 20.000
voltage discharge: 35.000 – 50.000 volt
Advance: fixed
TC UNIT R.P.M. CONTROL Electronic coil
TC UNIT K15 + bobbin R.P.M. CONTROL Electronic coil with high voltage bobbin
On this electronic coil there is a micro-switch that could be freely placed on your vehi-
cle in a shaltered position. It starts up the limiter of the engine revolutions.
It is possible to adjust, according to the type of your engine, the number of revolutions
on which the turns limiter starts up. Working on the micro-potentiometer it is possible to
adjust at which speed the limiter of revolutions starts up, with reference to the speed indi-
cator of your vehicle. The tuning potentiometer has a high sensitivity, therefore, during
the adjustement, it is necessary to do very small rotations till the achivement of the point
of starting up of the limiter of revolutions suitable for your scooter.
Technical features
Feeding of the coils: original
maximum turns/minute number: 20.000
Discharge voltage: 35.000 - 50.000 volt
Advance: fixed
Limiter: it is present, adjustable and it is possible to switch it off
ADVANCE To be used for races
Digital electronic coil studied above all for racing use with memory system of the
advance map on the Eprom micro – processor which could be removed and replaced.
In absence of the Eprom fitted on the coil, this one works with fixed advance.
ATTENTION This electronic coil is feeded by coils bobbins, but, as the map of the fitted
Eprom has been studied for engines which work with a number of revolutions over 12.000
turns/min., its use is reserved to racing engines at the highest levels.
A different use could cause serious damages to the engine.
Technical features:
Feeding of the electronic coil: original
maximum number turns/minute: 20.000
Discharge voltage: 35.000 - 50.000 volt
Advance: variable and fixed by removing the Eprom
Limiter: absent
DIGITRONIC PVM: variable advance
It is an electronic coil feeded directly by the battery loader coils and not by the ones of
Digitronic itself. The Digitronic Eprom supplies a discharge voltage absolutely unchanged
at all the numbers of revolutions of the engine, but it does not allow at all to use the elec-
tric installation of the scooter. As the electronic coils is feeded by the voltage coils of the
lighting installation, when the vehicle is started up by the foot lever, it is necessary to give
a strong push in order to achieve the minimum engine number of revolutions which assures
a voltage suitable to make the electronic coil work.
Technical features:
Feeding by the battery loader coils
maximum turns/minute number: 20.000
Discharge voltage: 35.000 - 50.000 volt
Advance: variable
Limiter: absent
DIGITRONIC, variable advance
The digital electronic coil has been studied above all for racing use according to the rules
which require coil with variable advance.
Technical features
Feeding of the original coil
maximum turns/minute number: 20.000
Discharge voltage: 35.000 - 50.000 volt
Advance: variable
Limiter: absent
55 8291 - 55 8295 - 55 8765 – 55 8767 – 55 9002 – 55 11183
Remove the original Piaggio electronic coil having care not to damage the original
connectors when you split it out; then, clean them carefully. Unscrew the spark plug
cable from the original electronic coil and screw it again into your new Malossi H.T.
(Hight Tension) bobbin; sure to screw it to the end. Fix the H.T. bobbin (as in the picture)
to the original bearing of the electronic coil with the original screws. Fix the electronic
coil leaning it to the original bearing of the Piaggio electronic coil. Lock it to the helmet
holder with the hose clamp supplied in the kit, making two holes of 6 mm D. with a dis-
tance one from the other of 55 mm and at height of about 30 mm above the original
Make the electronic connections according to the picture below, following carefully
the different colors. The black cable, which comes out from Malossi electronic coil K15,
must be mass connected by means of the eyelet, and placed under the bobina H.T. fix-
ing screw. The orange cable must be connected to the plug placed on the bobina H.T.
The green, white and red cables which were previously connected to the original