bromine benefits
How in.clear works!
When sodium bromide (such as BromiCharge) is added to the water,
it separates into sodium ions and bromide ions. As the water passes
through the in.clear bromine generator, a low-voltage source supplies
a current that electrolytically reduces the bromine ions into bromine
which reacts with the water molecules to form free bromine. Bromine
is known to be a highly effective bactericide and algaecide. This
process releases bromide ions back into the water for continuous
recycling until the spa is emptied. It is important to note that the
amount of bromine needed will vary in direct proportion to the
number of bathers in the spa (bather load).
Effects of bromine
• Bromine destroys waterborne bacteria.
• Bromine destroys algae in water (e.g. Black, Green, Mustard).
• Bromine swiftly eliminates the presence of organic matter left
behind by spa users (oil, sweat, dead skin cells).
• Because bromine doesn't contain calcium, it can be used to
sanitize hard water without increasing the calcium hardness.
Bromine in a spa!
Bacteria require a certain period of time before forming into micro
colonies and becoming attached to a surface. Rapid elimination of
bacteria is a key element in the proper maintenance of the spa water.
In.clear achieves this while oxidizing odors and reducing eye irritation.
In.clear enhances the clarity and quality of spa water. For bathers this
translates into a more enjoyable warm water therapy experience.