In.clear installation with stand
We have created a stand that
simplifies mounting an in.clear
bromine system under a spa.
The stand can be used for floor
mounting and for wall mounting.
This is a neat way to hold the
in.clear in place and makes the
Gecko # 9920-101464
product look professional when
its installed.
The stand is compatible with in.clear and in.therm unit simply by
reversing the top clamp.
The stand is packaged as a kit and includes the required screws to
mount the device to the stand. The mounting screws to attach the
stand to the spa are not included.
The following material is recommended:
4- # 10 screws of appropriate length with round, truss or pan head.
4- washers 1/2 OD x 1/16" thickness (12 mm OD x 1,5 mm).
Floor and side mounting
Select the most appropriate location for in.clear and firmly attach each
stand to wooden base with (2) screws backed by (2) washers.