Observe the instructions in the section entitled "Safety".
Operate the device only while it is vertical or suspended upright and nearly vertical.
Avoid allowing drops of spray to drift onto areas that are not being treated.
Observe the instructions of the spray product manufacturer!
1. Suspend the device from your shoulder.
gauge [16].
1.5 bar (21.8 psi)
2.0 bar (29.0 psi)
3.0 bar (43.5 psi)
4. If the spraying pressure decreases more than 0.5 bar
pump some more.
After Usage
Observe the instructions in the section entitled "Safety".
Never leave liquid in the device.
1. Pull up the red button on the safety valve [12] until all excess pressure is released from
the tank. (Fig. 4).
2. Lock the pump handle in place [13]. (Fig. 5).
3. Unscrew the pump [2] from the tank [1]. (Fig. 6).
Collect and dispose of the residual liquid and the tank according to all applicable
laws, requirements and regulations.
Follow the instructions of the spray product manufacturer!
4. Empty and rinse the device with clear water.
6. For drying and storing the device, keep the tank and pump separate in a dry place
protected from sunlight and freezing temperatures.
Clean the protective equipment and yourself every time after usage.
0,29 l/min
0,32 l/min
0,39 l/min
(Fig. 15)
hollow cone nozzle
0,56 l/min
0,64 l/min
0,78 l/min
from the optimum level,
1,1 mm
0,48 l/min
0,56 l/min
0,69 l/min