Gorm's tomato sauce
A tomato isn't just a tomato - but as the basis of the tomato sauce, it's an essential part of a
classical pizza.
• ½ red onion
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1 fresh tomato
• 1 can peeled tomatoes
• ½ handful fresh basil with stalks
• 4 stalks thyme, preferably fresh, but dried can also be used
• 1 small can tomato puree
olive oil
• salt and pepper
mix all ingredients using a hand-held or ordinary blender The oil is there to bind the tomato
sauce, to prevent it seeping into the base during baking.
if you are using dried herbs, add then after blending the sauce or they will colour it grey.
season with salt and pepper.
Pizza Margherita
The basic pizza. its simplicity is the epitome of the principle of the pizza.
• 160g dough
• Tomato sauce
• approx. ½ buffalo mozzarella (125g)
• 4-5 cherry tomatoes
• Fresh basil
• Olive oil
• sea salt
• Pepper
roll out the base to approx. 25cm diameter and spread a good spoonful of tomato sauce onto
the base. remember to leave ½ cm clear all round so the pizza gets a good crust.
Break up the mozzarella and spread the pieces over the base.
Place the cherry tomatoes as decoration, but remember that the tomatoes are incredibly hot
when they come of the stove.