Material composition
For precise details, please see the textile label sewn into
your compression garment.
Storage information and shelf life
Store in a dry place and protect from sunlight. Standard
products have a maximum shelf life of 36 months. The
compression garment then has a usage period of 6
months. The usage period depends on correct handling
(e.g. care, donning and doffing) and normal use of the
products. The usage period of the medical product is print-
ed on the box with an hourglass symbol. Custom-made
products are for immediate use. Body measurements may
change based on the patient's condition and individual
circumstances. Custom-made products are therefore de-
signed for a usage period of 6 months. After the 6-month
usage period, body measurements must be re-checked by
a medical specialist. In the event of significant changes in
measurements of the body part that is being treated (e.g.
based on therapeutic success, weight change), re-meas-
urement and supply of a new product may be required
earlier, before the 6-month usage period comes to an end.
Treatment of venous leg ulcers, treatment of mixed
(arterial and venous) leg ulcers (taking into account
contraindications), use instead of or as a supplement
to compression bandages following oedema reduction,
prevention of venous leg ulcer recurrence, pain reduction
in cases of venous leg ulcers.
Absolute contraindications
Advanced peripheral arterial disease (if one of these
parameters applies: ABPI < 0.5, ankle artery pressure <
60 mmHg, toe pressure < 30 mmHg or TcPO2 < 20 mmHg
Decompensated heart failure (NYHA III + IV), septic
phlebitis, phlegmasia cerulea dolens, acute bacterial, viral
or allergic inflammation, swelling of the extremities for
unknown reasons.
Relative contraindications
Pronounced weeping dermatoses, intolerance to pressure
or of any of the components of the product, severe
sensory disorders of the extremities, advanced peripheral
neuropathy (e.g. diabetes mellitus), primary chronic
polyarthritis, peripheral arterial disease (PAD) stage I/II,
malignant lymphoedema.
If there are open wounds in the area to be treated, the
affected area must be covered with an appropriate wound
dressing or bandage before the compression garment
can be applied. Liability for failure to comply with these
contraindications cannot be accepted by the Julius Zorn
GmbH Group.
Side effects
There are no known side effects when using this product
correctly. However, if you notice any adverse changes (e.g.
irritation of the skin) during the prescribed use, please
consult your doctor or medical retailer immediately. If you
know that you are allergic to one or more of the product
ingredients, please consult your doctor before using the
product. If your symptoms worsen during the time you are
wearing the product, please take off the product and con-
sult a medical specialist immediately. The manufacturer
does not accept any liability for damage / injuries resulting
from improper use or misuse.
In the case of complaints related to this product, such
as damage to the knitted fabric or problems with the fit,
please contact the medical retailer directly. Only serious
incidents that may lead to a major deterioration of the
patient's medical condition or to death should be reported
to the manufacturer and the relevant authority in the
Member State. Serious incidents are defined in Article 2
(65) Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR).
As a rule, the product is to be destroyed via the conven-
tional disposal route after the end of use. Please observe
the applicable local / national regulations.
* The Juzo Ulcer Pro Add set (replacement set) contains only the
white liner stockings and is available in medical supply stores.
Usage prévu
Juzo Ulcer Pro kit de traitement est un système de bas de
compression médicale conçu pour le traitement d`ulcus
cruris, qui contient deux bas de compression, à combiner :
Juzo Ulcer Pro kit de traitement contient un bas de dessus
(Juzo Ulcer Expert de couleur beige) et de deux bas de
dessous (Juzo Ulcer Liner de couleur blanc) interchan-
geables* pour maintenir la compresse ou le pansement en
place. En enfilant votre bas Juzo Ulcer Liner, assurez-vous
qu'il ne fasse pas de plis et que le pansement ou la
compresse recouvrant la plaie ne glisse pas. Ces deux bas
s'utilisent de la manière suivante : le bas de dessous peut
se porter jour et nuit sur la jambe à titre de compression
constante. Le bas de dessus s'enfile le jour par-dessus le
bas de dessous pour renforcer la compression.
Instructions pour l'application
Pour les collants de compression sans pointe de pied,
utilisez l'aide-à-enfiler Juzo Slippie. Votre revendeur
spécialisé vous indiquera volontiers la bonne application.
Enfilez votre vêtement de compression sur la jambe
décongestionnée le matin dès votre réveil. Enfilez et
retirez votre vêtement de compression en position assise
en vue d'éviter toute blessure ou chute. Des ongles rêches
non limés ou des bagues à bords tranchants, etc. peuvent
endommager les mailles du tricot très fin. Nous vous
recommandons donc l'utilisation des gants spéciaux Juzo.
Les ongles des orteils et des callosités peuvent également
causer des dommages, tout comme une doublure de
chaussure défectueuse.