Indicates the number of blinks made by the led.
Led with fixed light.
If malfunctions/alarms should occur on both pumps at the same time, the REMOTE ALARM is activated (Relays Q1,Q2,Q3)
and the GENERAL ALARM (red) is shown with a fixed light.
The current overload alarm may occur up to a maximum of 6 times in 24 hours, after which it becomes a blocking alarm.
Water alarm = represents an alarm linked with dry running (overflow, system excess pressure, etc.).
Pump alarm = represents an alarm linked with pump protection (pump thermal protection, current overload, etc.).
Self-resettable alarm = the control unit reactivates the pump if the cause that generated the alarm is removed, or in cases where this is not
possible it makes attempts at intervals.
Blocking alarm = the control unit keeps the pump stopped until it is manually reset.
Pressure sensor alarm = If the panel detects a pressure sensor with a dip-switch configuration incoherent with the device installed, an alarm
signal is given. However it is possible to operate the panel. If sensor operation is selected with a dip-switch, but the panel does not detect the
sensor, the pumps are deactivated and an alarm signal is given. If the pressure sensor has been correctly installed, but the sensor signal is outside
the measuring range, the pumps are deactivated and an alarm signal is given.
Dip-Switch alarm = The Dip Switch alarm is activated in the following cases:
Incoherence of the Dip Switch with the respective functions (incorrect regulation).
To reset the alarm:
Return the Dip Switches to the correct position.
Press the RESET key.
Dip Switch regulation with the panel live.
To reset the alarm:
Press the RESET key.
Overcurrent protection/alarm (overload protection) = When the overcurrent alarm intervenes the yellow warning light is lit for the respective
pump P1 or P2, located on the front board of the electric panel (par. 8 – ref. 5/8).
For each pump the overcurrent alarm allows 6 auto-reset attempts, every 10 minutes, in the space of 24 working hours. At the seventh attempt
the panel no longer makes auto-resets, unless after manual reset by the user.
Dry running protection/alarm = The dry running protection/alarm is activated in a pressure boosting situation when 1 analog pressure sensor is
connected. This protection may be selected by the DS_A4. When the pressure falls to a value of less than 0.5 bar for about 10 seconds, the alarm
is activated with stopping of the pump and lighting of the yellow led (par. 9 – ref. 5/8). After 1 minute there will be 1 reset attempt for maximum 30
seconds. If this attempt succeeds the alarm is reset, otherwise the pump will remain in blocked status.
13.1 Digital inputs R and N protection /alarm
Digital inputs
Pressure boosting and KIWA
pressure boosting function
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- Q3 remote signal
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- alarm signal against dry running.
- Q3 remote signal
Attention! if terminals R and N are not
used they must be jumpered!
Max. Pressure
Min. Pressure
Filling function
Min. Level (in tank)
The 2 pumps start with:
- general alarm signal,
- Q3 remote signal
Tripping and reset after 0.5 seconds.
Max. level (in tank)
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- Q3 remote signal
Min. Level (water reserve)
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- signal against dry running.
- Q3 remote signal
Tripping and reset after 1 second.
Attention! if terminal N is not used it
must be jumpered! If level probes are
used, only R must be jumpered, if it is
not used.
Draining function
Max. level
The 2 pumps start with:
- general alarm signal,
- Q3 remote signal
Tripping and reset after 0.5 seconds.
Min. Level
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- alarm signal against dry running,
- Q3 remote signal
Tripping and reset after 1 second.
Attention! if terminal N is not used it
must be jumpered!