Sensor verification using a transmitter and a
calibration gas:
– Press Cal button "Calibrate Sensor" and confirm.
– Chose "1-point CO
– Start calibration when sensor is in gas.
– Enter the partial pressure of the calibration gas.
– The transmitter will now show the slope
S = **mV and the baseline values
BL = **mV and asks for "Save adjust".
– If you want the sensor to measure based on the
new calibration data choose "Save adjust".
– If you want only to save the calibration data
chosse "Save calibrate" (the sensor in this case
still measures with the previous adjusted cali-
brtion data).
– for verification purposes with a calibration gas
the slope values can be compared with the
previous calibration values. The previous 3 cali-
brations are saved in the ISM-Info menu ( Info
Menu: Cal Data)
Note: The sensor now still uses the previous calibra-
tion data for the measurements. The sensor will only
measure with the new calibration data by using the
command "save adjust". "Safe calibrate" stores the
calibration data for verification tracking purposes
Note: If the notice "cal out of limit" appears, please
check the purge gas supply and calibration gas sup-
ply. If you still get the notiice, replace the Membra-
Cap and perform a new calibration.
6.1.4 ISM diagnostics
Dynamic Lifetime Indicator: DLI
The DLI provides information about the remaining
lifetime of the MembraCap. As long as the DLI is
above zero days the system is within the specified
accuracy after a calibration. If the DLI is zero the
MembraCap shall be replaced. Contributing factors
for wear of the MembraCap are:
– temperature during measurement
– number of CIP cycles
– number of SIP cycles
DLI calculation: Using the above parameters actual
sensor stress is calculated. The accumulated sensor
load divided by the elapsed time is the basis of the
calculation of the remaining lifetime.
InPro 5500 i
30 035 328
InPro 5500 i CO
" calibration and confirm.
© 06 /14 Mettler-Toledo AG
Printed in Switzerland