1) Antifreeze
(1) Supplying Antifreeze to pump
① Drain the pump completely with the cock open. (Also open the muffler
drain cock.)
② In opening condition of the drain cock (also muffler drain cock), fit the
vinyl pipe (accessory) to the pump drain cock.
③ Put the vinyl pipe in antifreeze (approx. 180~200ml) in a container.
④ Start the engine with the throttle dial set at
"START ▼ SUCTION" position, and draw
the antifreeze into the pump by op- erating
the vacuum pump. After drawing the
antifreeze, run the vacuum pump for 30
seconds allowing air into the pump, so that
antifreeze reaches whole inner part of the
⑤ Stop the engine and close all the drain cocks.
⑥ In closing the discharge valve, apply antifreeze directly onto the dis-
charge valve using an oil filler.
(2) Supplying Antifreeze to vacuum pump
(Oil-less type)
① Remove the strainer cup and strainer
of the vacuum pump, and supply 50ml
of antifreeze into the strainer guide.
② Reassemble the strainer and strainer
2) Battery
Battery performance deteriorates if the temperature falls. Further, battery
may freeze if the specific gravity is low. (At a specific gravity of 1.10 the
freezing point is approximately -10℃ increasing the danger of freez-
ing.) Remember to maintain the correct specific gravity with the battery
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