– If connection cables are dam-
aged, they must – in order to
reduce the risks – be replaced by
the manufacturer or by their cus-
tomer service representative.
6 – Safety instructions
relating specifically to
the equipment
1) Safety information concerning
protective cover
a) Have protective covers
installed. Protective covers
must be capable of functioning
and installed correctly. Loose,
damaged or incorrectly function-
ing protective covers must be
repaired or replaced.
b) Always use the protective saw
blade cover and splitting wedge
for separating cuts. For sepa-
rating cuts where the saw blade
saws completely through the
thickness of the workpiece, the
protective cover and other safe-
ty equipment reduce the risk of
c) Always refasten the protective
system immediately after fin
ishing tasks, which require the
removal of the protective cover
and splitting wedge (such as
notching). The protective cover
and splitting wedge reduce the
risk of injuries.
d) Before switching on the power
tool, make sure that the saw
blade is not touching the pro
tective cover, splitting wedge
or workpiece. Accidental con-
tact between these components
MW-5461570-Bedien-2003.indd 77
MW-5461570-Bedien-2003.indd 77
and the saw blade may lead to a
dangerous situation.
e) Align the splitting wedge in
accordance with the descrip
tion in these instructions. The
wrong distances, position and
alignment may result in the split-
ting wedge not being able to pre-
vent a kickback.
f) For the splitting wedge to be
able to function, it must inter
act with the workpiece. The
splitting wedge is ineffective for
cutting workpieces, which are
too short to engage with it. In
these conditions, the splitting
wedge cannot prevent a kick-
g) Use the correct saw blade for
the splitting wedge. For the
splitting wedge to work cor-
rectly the diameter of the saw
blade must fit the corresponding
wedge, the steel blade of the saw
blade must be thinner than the
wedge and the teeth wider than
the thickness of the wedge.
2) Safety information for sawing
a) DANGER: keep your fingers
and hands away from the saw
blade or the sawing area. A
moment of carelessness or a slip
could steer your hand towards
the saw blade and lead to seri-
ous injuries.
b) Only rotate the workpiece in
the opposite direction of the
saw blade. Guiding the work-
piece in the same direction as
the rotation of the saw blade
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04.05.20 16:46