Volume (Vol)
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Volume de la vessie
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Débit-volume (D-V) en ml/m
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L'un des éléments suivants, selon le réglage du tracé actif :
D-V = ST * MTT * 60
D-V = ST * PMT * 60
D-V = ST * TAV * 60 (lorsque le tracé manuel est utilisé)
Volume des follicules
Raine-Fenning, N. et al. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology (2008), Volume 31, Issue 6, John Wiley &
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Volume ovarien
Balen, A.H., Laven, J.S., Tan, S.L, Dewailly, D. "Ultrasound assessment of the polycystic ovary: international
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Volume utérin
Wiener, J. J. and Newcombe, R. G. "Measurements of uterine volume: a comparison between
measurements by ultrasonography and by water displacement." J. Clin. Ultrasound
(2005) Mar:77(1): p.60-2.
(1992) 20 (7),
Mesures de référence