147. Secure the ignition module and ignition battery in the
fuselage. Keep both items close to the engine. A switch will
also be required between the ignition module and battery.
Make all the connections between the battery, ignition
module and engine as outlined in the engine instructions.
148. Secure the fuel line from the clunk to the carburetor using a
tie wrap.
149. Attach the four cowl mounting tabs using two M3 x 10 sheet
metal screws per tab. We recommend preparing the holes
and hardening the surrounding wood as described earlier in
this manual.
150. Tape cardstock to the sides of the fuselage to mark the
locations of the cowl mounting tabs.
151. Fit the cowl, spinner back plate and propeller. Align the cowl
with the spinner backplate.
Pitts S-2B 50–60cc
152. Use a drill and 2mm drill bit to drill the locations for the
cowl mounting screw. Drill through both the cowl and cowl
mounting tab.
153. Remove the spinner backplate, propeller and cowl from the
aircraft. Attach the muffl ers to the engine.
Use the instructions included with the engine for
details regarding the installation of the mufflers.
154. Trim the cowling to allow clearance for the exhaust tubes
from the muffl ers.
155. Secure the cowling to the fuselage using four M3 x 10 sheet
metal screws and four M3 washers.
156. Replace the spinner backplate and propeller on the engine.
Attach the spinner cone using the four M2.5 x 10 machine