50. Use a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove the
lines from the wing made by the felt-tipped pen.
51. Brush a small amount of 5-minute epoxy on the exposed
wood. Place the wing bolt plate in position and allow the
epoxy to fully cure before proceeding.
Check the stabilizer mounting surface on the
fuselage to make sure it is flush with the fuselage
sides. If the fuselage sides protrude beyond the
stabilizer mounting surface, then sand them flush.
52. Remove the elevators from the stabilizer. Fit the stabilizer
into the notch in the fuselage. Center the stabilizer.
Make sure to slide the stabilizer forward
so the elevator joiner wire can be installed.
53. Measure from the tip of the stabilizer to the wing.
Position the stabilizer so both measurements are equal.
Ultra Stick
54. Check the alignment of the stabilizer to the wing. It
should be equal on both sides of the fuselage.
55. Check all alignments. Mark the outline of the fuselage on
the top of the stabilizer.
56. Use a ruler and carefully cut the covering 1/8 inch (3
mm) inside the line drawn on the stabilizer to remove
the covering from the center of the stabilizer. Remove
the top and bottom covering. Use care not to cut into the
underlying wood, weakening the stabilizer.
57. Use a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove the
lines from the stabilizer. Apply a small amount of thin CA
along the edge of the covering to strengthen the area
under the covering in case the knife has penetrated to
underlying wood.
58. Mix 1/2 ounce (15ml) of 30-minute epoxy. Use an epoxy
brush to apply epoxy to the exposed wood on the top of
the stabilizer.