b) Installing the servos
Wrap a strip of adhesive tape around both servos.
Glue the elevator servo (1) and the aileron servo (2) into the designated cut-out
using 5-minute epoxy glue.
The arrow in the illustration on the right shows the flying direction.
c) Installing the wings
Cut off the aileron (1) from the wing (2) using a sharp box cutter.
Sand the aileron so that a 90° angle is formed on the leading edge.
Cut two slits each into the wing and the aileron using a knife. Glue the hinges
(3) half-way into the wing using superglue.
Measure up the wing spar (1) so that it protrudes to the left and the right of the
fuselage equally. Then glue it on using 5-minute epoxy glue.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8