g) Installing the aileron servos
Attach a linkage connector to the aileron arm (1). Insert the approx. 80-mm
aileron linkage (2) into the linkage connector and fasten the linkage at the
linkage connector using the screw. Attach the aileron arm at a 90° angle to the
servo casing.
Use servo extension cables to extend the servo connection cables of the two
aileron servos. Make sure that the cables are properly assigned and that the
soldered joints are insulated well. If you use ready-made extension wires, we
recommend protecting the pins with a strip of adhesive tape.
After extending the servo cables, run a function test and set the servos to
neutral position on the remote control. The servo arms should be at a 90°
angle to the servo casing. If this is not the case, remove the screw of the aileron
arm, detach the arm and position it properly.
Insert the two aileron servos (3) into the wing on the left and on the right and fix
them using a drop of superglue. Install the servo cables inside the slots in the
wing to the inside (6).
Attach the aileron linkage to the arm (4) and secure the clevis using the silicone
ring (5). Put the ailerons in neutral position and cut off the aileron linkage with
an excess length of 5 mm. Fasten the linkage using the screw of the linkage
Connect the servo to the receiver to run a function test.
h) Assembling the impellers
Install the brushless motor inside the rotor casing (1). Put the rotor (2) onto the
motor shaft. Keep a distance of approx. 1.5 mm between the rotor and the
motor. Fasten the rotor on the motor shaft with the screw of the catch (3).
Solder the motor connecting cables (4) to the cables of the speed controller (5).
Insulate the cables provisionally and run a function test. To do that, connect the
battery to the speed controller. Then connect the speed controller to the receiver
unit and check if the rotational direction of the impeller is correct. The rotational
direction is correct if an air jet towards the tail is generated. Otherwise, two of
the three wires between the speed controller and the brushless motor must be
When the function test is successful, permanently insulate the wires by soldering
them with heat-shrink tubing (4) so that the soldered joints are protected from
Illustration 8
Illustration 9
Illustration 10