Fault menu
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Set point preset
The main display is accessible to all users and does not contain any language-dependent texts.
Set point
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Performance down Performance up
Fault menu
If an error occurs, the icon will change from black to blinking red and in
case of warnings it will light up yellow. By pressing the icon, it is possible to
read the error and reset it by pressing Reset Faults. This can only be done
as user Tech and Admin, and only if the fault can be corrected by resetting.
At the top right, Faults are displayed, and the fields next to Frequency
converter, Communication and Vibration will turn red when a critical fault
Frequency converter: This indicates a critical fault on the frequency con-
The Frequency converter box describes errors and warnings on the blow-
er's internal frequency converter. The errors will always be accompanied
by red labelling at the top of the screen. Various warnings may be shown,
such as that the frequency converter has reached its power limit and there-
fore cannot perform anymore. Errors will stop the blower and warnings will
appear in the Error field.
The bottom of the page shows the status of the vibration monitoring, which
is only displayed when monitoring is activated.
If the selected limit value is exceeded, a yellow flashing vibration symbol
appears on the main display and a warning appears in the Vibration status
field. This is a warning and therefore does not stop the blower.
If the selected limit value is exceeded for more than 10 seconds, a red
flashing vibration symbol appears on the main display, a warning appears
in the Vibration status field and the blower stops.
Blower model
Software version
Log out
Colour indication showing
operating status
Current operating
verter and the blower has been stopped.
This indicates an error in the communication be
tween the PLC and the frequency converter or
other connected devices.
This indicates that vibrations in the blower have
exceeded the limit value and the blower has been