Connect the ventilation interface (mask or endotracheal tube) to the compatible end of the FlowSense® sensor The
sensor ends are shaped differently to ensure that the interface cannot be connected to the wrong end
Connect the bag to the other end of the FlowSense® sensor The device must be assembled as shown below:
To remove the accessories from the product, take the FlowSense® sensor out of the ventilation interface (mask or
endotracheal tube) by gently pulling vertically on the FlowSense® sensor Then remove the ventilation bag at the
other end in the same way
If the patient is intubated and secretions appear in the FlowSense® sensor during ventilation: remove the sensor very
carefully from the endotracheal tube (or other supraglottic airway device) by holding the tube firmly with one hand
and gently pulling the FlowSense® sensor upwards with the other hand to disconnect it from the tube To prevent
substances or liquids from entering the FlowSense® (patient regurgitation, patient secretion, condensation, etc ),
which could affect the flow measurements and cause minor injuries to the patient, we recommend placing a filter
between the ventilation interface (mask or endotracheal tube) and the FlowSense®
b) EOlife® ventilation method
EOlife® gives the user real-time feedback on the quality of the ventilation performed on the patient based on
a cyclic analysis of inspiratory and expiratory flow rates It must therefore be positioned proximally to be able to
measure both the inspiratory and expiratory flow rates, calculate the volumes insufflated and expired, the ventilation
frequency and leakage, estimate the tidal volumes, and generate user information signals and alarm signals if the
ventilation parameters are unacceptable
EOlife® also uses algorithms to filter out small airflows generated by chest compressions so as not to display
anomalous volume and ventilation frequency values and to avoid measurement artefacts During ventilation, be sure
to generate enough flow to be detected by the device
When ventilating a patient with a mask, ensure it is correctly held on the patient's face during insufflation and for the
entire duration of expiration so that EOlife® can measure the volume expired
If used for training on a manikin, check that the manikin's airways are completely sealed so that all of the
air insufflated via the mouth is fully expired If this is not the case, EOlife® will not be able to analyse the
ventilation cycles or calculate the ventilation parameters correctly
The main screen guides the user by displaying the ventilation parameters and ventilation instructions and visual
indicators showing the ideal air/oxygen volume to administer and when to administer it The main screen also uses
alarm signals to warn the user if the patient is not ventilated correctly