Ping-Pong Delay — PDL
The ping-pong delay effect delays the signal, then outputs the signal to the left and right outputs
Chapter 4: Effect parameters
alternately, so the delayed signal appears to bounce across the stereo image.
Delay Time
por [ana
Mixing Balance
Output Level
Filter Type
Cut Off Frequency
Stereo Modulation Delay — SMD
The amount of effected signal that is fed
| ES
Feedback Level
0 - 100%
back into the effect.
<- А
< R bounce from R to L.
0 - 100%
- co, -30 dB ~ +6 dB
32 Hz ~ 1.0 kHz
LPF: 1.0 kHz ~ 16 kHz,
0 = dry signal.
50 = 50% ping-pong delay 50% dry signal.
100 = 100% ping-pong delay.
Sets the output level of the effect.
The stereo modulation delay effect delays the left and right output signals using different delay
times, then modulates both delay times. It produces a rich stereo thickening effect, similar to
chorus but with two independent delays and feedback parameter.
Left Channel Delay
Right Channel
Delay Time
Feedback Level
| SPD | Modulation Speed
| DEP. Modulation Depth
L/R Balance
Mixing Balance
Output Level
Cut Off Frequency
0.1 ~ 450 msec
0 ~ 100%
0.1 Hz ~ 20 Hz
0.1 - 450 msec
L50 - L=R - R50
0 - 100%
~ oo, - 30 dB ~ +6 dB
Sets the output level of the effect.
32 Hz ~ 1.0 kHz
LPF: 1.0 kHz - 16 kHz,
The amount of effected signal that is fed
back into the effect.
If the DLYL and DLYR parameters are set to
the same (or similar) delay times, this effect
may sound like a signal phasing problem. If
so, adjust the L/R parameter to correct it.
0 = dry signal.
50 = 50% stereo mod delay 50% dry signal.
100 = 100% stereo mod delay.