Chapter 3: Editing, storing, and titling an effect program
Titling Effect Programs
You can title your user effect programs. It maybe useful to use titles that relate to specific songs,
guitars, pickups, etc. You cannot change the titles of the preset effect programs.
1. Use the [ V ] and [ А | buttons to select the user effect program.
2. Press the [UTILITY] button.
The TITLE EDIT display shown below will appear.
If the TITLE EDIT display does not appear, press the [UTILITY] button repeatedly until it
3. Use the [ < | and [ P ] cursor buttons to position the cursor within the title, and the [ V ] and
[ A ] buttons to select characters.
Titles can be up to 15 characters in length and are stored automatically.
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ts While entering a title, pressing the [STORE] button will enter a "space", that is, the space
between characters "9" and "A"
in the table. This is useful when you wish to enter a number
of spaces.