About Rotel
A family whose passionate interest in music
led them to manufacture high fidelity com-
ponents of uncompromising quality founded
Rotel 45 years ago. Through the years that
passion has remained undiminished and the
family goal of providing exceptional value
for audiophiles and music lovers regard-
less of their budget, is shared by all Rotel
The engineers work as a close team, listening
to, and fine tuning each new product until it
reaches their exacting musical standards. They
are free to choose components from around
the world in order to make that product the
best they can. You are likely to find capacitors
from the United Kingdom and Germany, semi
conductors from Japan or the United States,
while toroidal power transformers are manu-
factured in Rotel's own factory.
Rotel's reputation for excellence has been
earned through hundreds of good reviews
and awards from the most respected review-
ers in the industry, who listen to music every
day. Their comments keep the company true
to its goal - the pursuit of equipment that is
musical, reliable and affordable.
All of us at Rotel, thank you for buying this
product and hope it will bring you many
years of enjoyment.
"DTS", "DTS-ES Extended Surround", "DTS ES
and "DTS ES
Discrete 6.1", and "DTS Neo:6
marks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. "Dol-
by", "Pro Logic", and the double-D symbol are trademarks
of Dolby Laboratories.
, High Definition Compatible Digital
and Pacific Microsonics™ are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Pacific Microsonics, Inc. in the United
States and/or other countries. HDCD system manufactured
under license from Pacific Microsonics, Inc. This product
is covered by one or more of the following: In the USA:
5,479,168, 5,638,074, 5,640,161, 5,808,574, 5,838,274,
5,854,600, 5,864,311, 5,872,531, and in Australia:
669114. Other patents pending.
Getting Started
Thank you for purchasing the Rotel RSX-1058
Surround Sound Receiver. The RSX-1058 is
four products in one:
1. A digital audio/video processor for a
wide range of formats including Dolby
source material.
2. A full-featured audio/video control cen-
ter for analog and digital source compo-
3. A high-quality AM/FM tuner with RDS
4. A 5-channel power amplifier to drive two
front speakers (or two center back speak-
ers), a center channel speaker, and two
rear surround speakers.
Key Features
• Rotel's Balanced Design Concept combines
advanced circuit board layout, compre-
hensive parts evaluation, and extensive
listening tests for superior sound and long
term reliability.
• Dolby
Pro Logic IIx
and 7.1 channel systems) with improved
separation and frequency response for
Dolby Surround
ings. Can be optimized for Music or Cin-
ema sources, Pro Logic
• Automatic Dolby Digital
by Digital
Dolby Digital Surround EX
• Automatic decoding for DTS
Matrix 6.1 channel, DTS-ES
crete 6.1 channel, and DTS 96/24 digital
• Rotel XS (eXtended Surround) automatical-
ly ensures proper decoding and optimum
performance from any multichannel digi-
tal signal on 6.1 and 7.1 channel systems.
Matrix 6.1",
Always active in any system with center
"are trade-
back speaker(s), Rotel XS even works with
signals that would not otherwise activate
the proper decoding (such as non-flagged
DTS-ES and Dolby Surround EX discs) or
for which there is no extended surround
decoder (such as DTS 5.1, Dolby Digital
5.1, and even Dolby Pro Logic II decoded
Dolby Digital 2.0 recordings).
, Dolby Digital
decoding (for 5.1, 6.1,
matrix encoded record-
or Games.
decoding Dol-
2.0, Dolby Digital
5.1, and
5.1 channel,
Surround modes for deriv-
ing surround channels for 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1
channel systems from 2-channel stereo or
matrix surround recordings. Can be opti-
mized for Music or Cinema sources.
• Automatic HDCD
decoding for signals
from High Definition Compatible Digital
compact discs.
• DVD-A high-resolution multichannel audio
signals are automatically detected when
using an HDMI input connection.
• Surround modes for playback of surround
sound material on 2 channel and 3 chan-
nel systems for total compatibility.
• Automatic decoding of digital signals from
MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) players.
• Analog input and output video connections
for use with Composite video, S-Video,
and Component Video signals, including
conversion to Component Video output.
• HDMI (Ver. 1.1) switching for digital vid-
eo signals up to 1080p and downscal-
ing from 1080i to 480p/576p. Compat-
ible with DVI components with HDMI-DVI
• Optical digital, coax digital, and analog
input and output audio connections.
• Five built-in amplifier channels, each de-
livering 75 watts (all channels driven).
• AM/FM tuner with 30 station presets, di-
rect access tuning, and auto-tuning.
• RDS (Radio Data Systems) and RBDS (Ra-
dio Broadcast Data Service) capability.
• Zone 2, 3, and 4 outputs with independent
input selection and volume adjustments
for multi-zone custom installations along
with IR-repeater capability for operation
from the remote zone.
• MULTI Input for outboard adapter and
future upgradeabilty
• User friendly ON-SCREEN DISPLAY with
programmable labels for video compo-
nents. Choice of languages.
• Universal learning remote control to op-
erate the RSX-1058 and other compo-
• Upgradeable microprocessor software to
accommodate future upgrades.