RSX-1058 Surround Sound Receiver
TV Monitor
See Figure 5
Connect the TV MONITOR output to the cor-
responding input on your television monitor,
using Composite Video, S-Video, Component
Video, and/or HDMI cables.
NOTE: The RSX-1058 can send any video
input of interlaced format for output to Com-
posite or S-Video monitor connections. Please
in the "Video Inputs & Outputs" section of this
manual. The RSX-1058 automatically handles
PAL or NTSC video formats, so if a PAL source
is connected to the input, it will provide PAL
output; if the source is NTSC, the video output
will be NTSC.
For HDTV monitors:
To send progressive scanned or high-defi-
nition signals to the TV, you must connect it
with either a set of three Component Video
cables or an HDMI digital cable. Either can
provide excellent results, but in general using
the HDMI cable is preferable for a monitor
that displays digital signals (LCD, plasma,
DLP, etc.). Component Video cables would
be preferable for CRT-based direct view or
rear projection monitors that display ana-
log signals.
If you use the HDMI connection, the moni-
tor will display video at whatever resolution
is sent from the source component. Set the
resolution of the source component to match
the TV's native resolution.
NOTE: Do not connect HDMI and Compo-
nent Video outputs to a monitor simultane-
ously, as the two video image signals may
affect each other.
The RSX-1058 HDMI connections conform to
the Version 1.1 standard.
You can usually connect the HDMI output of
the RSX-1058 to a monitor with DVI-D inputs by
using an appropriate HDMI-DVI adapter.
NOTE: In order for HDMI signals to be dis-
played properly, the TV monitor must be com-
patible with HDCP copy protection.
See Figure 3
The RSX-1058 has built-in amplifiers to power
up to five speakers. There are five pairs of
binding post connections (one pair for each
speaker) which accept bare wire, spade
lugs, or banana plug connectors (in some
NOTE: Speakers should have an impedance
of 8 ohms or higher.
Each pair of connectors is color-coded for
polarity: red for positive and black for nega-
tive. All speakers and all speaker wire is also
marked for polarity. For proper performance,
you must maintain this polarity at all speaker
connections. Always connect the positive ter-
minal of each speaker to the corresponding
red speaker terminal on the RSX-1058 and the
negative speaker terminal to the correspond-
ing black connector on the RSX-1058.
There are connectors for FRONT LEFT, FRONT
and CENTER. You must connect each of the
five speakers to the proper terminal on the
Route the wires from the RSX-1058 to the
speakers. Leave enough slack so you can
move the components to allow access to the
speaker connectors. If you are using banana
plugs, connect them to the wires and then plug
into the backs of the binding posts. The col-
lars of the binding posts should be screwed
in all the way (clockwise). If you are using
terminal lugs, connect them to the wires. If
you are attaching bare wires directly to the
binding posts, separate the wire conductors
and strip back the insulation from the end of
each conductor. Be careful not to cut into the
wire strands. Unscrew the binding post col-
lars. Place the connector lug or the twisted
bare wire around the binding post shaft. Turn
the collars clockwise to clamp the connector
lug or wire firmly in place.
1. Connect the front right speaker to the
binding posts labeled FRONT/CB/ZONE
2. Connect the front left speaker to the bind-
ing posts labeled FRONT/CB/ZONE
3. Connect the center channel speaker to
binding posts labeled CENTER.
4. Connect the surround right speaker to bind-
ing posts labeled SURROUND RIGHT.
5. Connect the surround left speaker to bind-
ing posts labeled SURROUND LEFT.
NOTE: Be sure that no loose wire strands can
touch adjacent wires or connectors. After you
have connected the speakers, you need to
configure the RSX-1058 for the size and style
of speakers in your system and calibrate the
relative volume levels of the speakers using
the built-in test tones. See the Setup section
of this manual.
Redirect Feature
The RSX-1058 has a "redirect" feature that
allows you to use the front left and front right
amplifier channels to power either center back
or Zone speakers. For example, you might
use a separate Rotel stereo power amplifier
to drive the front speakers and then use the
extra amplifier channels in the RSX-1058 to
power two center back speakers.
If your system does not have center back
speakers, you can also redirect the built-in
front channel amplifiers to drive a pair of
speakers in Zone 2, 3 or 4 .
To use the redirect feature to power center back
speakers in a 6.1 or 7.1 channel system:
1. Connect the center back speaker in a
6.1 channel system or the center back
left speaker in a 7.1 channel system to
the binding posts labeled FRONT/CB/
2. Connect the center back right speaker to
binding posts labeled FRONT/CB/ZONE
3. Go to the DEFAULT SETUP screen of the
ON-SCREEN MENU system and change
the REDIRECT setting to the center back
channels instead of the front channels,
Connecting a Subwoofer
See Figure 3
To hook up a powered subwoofer, connect a
standard RCA audio cable from either of the
two PREOUT jacks labeled SUB to the input
on the subwoofer's power amp. Both SUB
outputs provide the same signal. Use either
connection for a single subwoofer. Use both
connections to hook up two subwoofers.
After you have connected the subwoofer, you
need to configure the RSX-1058 to use the
subwoofer and calibrate the relative volume
level of the subwoofer using the built-in test
tones. See the Setup section of this manual.