tO ReMOVe/Install ChIn-BaR eXteRIOR Vent GRIll
The inner vent control gate must be removed. With this gate removed, the mount
screw for the exterior vent grill is visible. Remove screw with a flat screwdriver
and remove the vent grill.
To install vent grill, position helmet with chin-bar facing up. Align and center the
vent grill over the opening and position one of the end tabs in place behind the
shell, then gently flex the other side inward and position that end tab behind the
shell. With the vent grill in place, hand-thread the mount screw to start and then
tighten with screwdriver until snug, but do not over tighten.
The chin-bar exterior vent grill design allows for thorough cleaning of the
helmet, as well as the ability to replace a damaged vent. It is important to
recognize that the vent grill provides protection of the mouth and face from
roost debris. The vent grill must always be installed when riding.
tO ReMOVe/RePlaCe ROOst GuaRD
To remove the roost guard, grasp either end of the edge and pull upward and
toward the opposite side.
To install, first insert the center of the roost guard in the receiving slot and then
push in the sides working from the center outwards.