arrow urvtii i( cc^noletoV sioM
fmger aft MuKi aiiOC^ura Lfvtr <P) and «t w»h fo tta<>>
MigiAV potitiOA
automat»<atly and ar th« sama tana
MwMi t«p«4ijra Lock Kr>ab fCC) wA also aotomaiKaliy
return to th« rad marlt IDO NOT RtLEASC SHUTTER
(P> 1S STOPPED HALFWAY) This will sal the thuliet tot
the second exposure without advarxing the film *$hwfiar
Set Signal (C) turns frtan taUmg you that the shutter has
bean set >F rame your second subieet and depress Shutter
fteltesa Sutton fFi If you went repeat the same aciMM (or
the Ihird oposura or alierwards DO NOT WiWO FMA
The coed rtvuK of the multi exposed prciure depends
ort how
well expose your subjects to be taken ettec
the first Subject it combirtatiOA ef 1 step ertd shuiter
be correctly set by menuai. becatrst the
regisiratiori oi each shot may not lurn out exact Taee
practice shots to get yourself accustomed lo muHi
exposure tschrsipue end take <reet>«e piciuresot your
PWhen you do not take the multi txpgswre pictures, mo^e
Mull! exposure loch Knob IOC* exactly m the d>rediien of
the red marV lu lock Multi exposure Later IP' iFig
This will lock Muitiexposure Leter fp: and protect it
from en accidental movement
Do not forget to reset MuHi exposure Loch Kf>ob 'GO*
completely up to the green matli before you take the
multi exposure pictures The green mark tells you that
Multi exposure Lever (P) is unlocked
♦ Do hot set Multi exposure Lock Knob (GC) to the red mark
by stopping Multi exposure Lever (P) hatfvray
Flash pieturag
Your c»nera has synehroruiaticn designed to permit
flash pectures with flash bulbs and also electronic Hash.
You may use a Mash gun or an alacironic Hash umt, which
cm be mountad en Orrectcontact Accessory Shoe (A) of
yeur camera If your Hash gun or electronic flash unit
has no deeot contact, the Hash connecting cord should
be used arai piugied mlo Flash Socket (AA) ol your
For No 5, Sa. 2S. 2Se. MS. M$6. M2. MSB. A61. AGie
flash bufts. shutter speeds from
1/90 through 1/12S
second nvy be used For elKtrofvc flash, any shutter
speed from 1/9 through 1/500 second can be usad
Hewevir, shutter speeds ranging irpm 1/60 up to 1/500
second are reconenandad for batter Hash p<cturas
Spttino thp long for flaah pietusos
To oatarmne the lerxs opening, divida the eamiralo-
subject OstMKe m maters (or feet) x^to the guide numbar
tor the film used Check the chart on the llaah bulb carton
or e«actronie Hash un<i lor lha gmda number
eXAUPLE Curde Nimber (GN) 16(ml, $29 (ft)
Cwnera t»subje«t distance 2(nt), 6 6U0
16(52 6)
2(6 6) * 6: use the lens opening 1/9
(Male Auto/Manual Rmg (S) off
A (Auto) and sal the
eOtamed letn opanmg number at the red marker
Thp eolf'timor
By usmg the SeTf-Hmer. you can also get Into the picture.
MaM stf e that Fibn Wnd Lever (0) hes been wound and
that the distance, shutter speed and fstop have been
correctly set
Merely move $elf time* Lever (J) aiway