Setting shutter speed
Lightly hold Shuir«t Sp«»d Kfiob (K) »nQ rM«t« Slmttor
£p**o Rmg (R) until ih« desired shutter speed comes
opposite the red merker (Fig
The stHJiicr speed
setting governs the emoum of tune the film rs exposed
to light
{|/60 second) is recommended lor the
subject not m motion
Where motion tusts. shutter
speeds renting from )/l26 to 2/600 shouM be used
Looli into the vitwfinoei end you w>i| observe two red
yones (one «t (he upper ngnt hend corner end the olher
lower right
corner) end lens openuig numbers
The upper red 20Ae is the wernmg merh (or
overexposure end the lower red rone is tor uAdereiposure
the exposure meter needle is <n the upper red sons,
set Shutter Speed Ring (R) et e (aster speed (Fig |3)
It you find the needle ir> the lower red eone. use e slower
shutter speed IFig |«) If the needle steys between two
red tones, this indiceres correct
eiposwre end the
number, such es26or4erS6
mdiceted by th* needle
tells you the lens opening el which you ere gorng to maiie
Shutter releeee lock
When you do not use your cemere or ..
ruur c«n«re
beck into the carrying ease, move Shutter Lee* Lever
(H) in the direction of the green merh (Fig IS) TNs will lock
Shutter Reieese Sutton (F) end protect your camera from
an accidental shutter release
♦ Do not forget to reset Shutter Loch Lever (H) up to the
Red mark before you shoot, otherwise the shutter ceimot
be released
*Do not set Shutter Loch Lever (H) by depressing Shutter
Release Sutton (F).
Vruwirvg arad (ocuping
uooh uRo the viewftTKler eyepiece to compose your
ptctuce and locus the lens Route Focusing Ring (L) until
irae double mage m the center sQuare o( the viewfinder
has merged to a smgie image (Fkg 16)
yout subject
IS now m sharp focus
When composing your pKtute. keep your subject withm
the outer bright freme outline ol the viewfinder
you shoot a close up. keep your subject
wilhin the
peraiiax eorrectaon mark (the inner Ongnt frame Ime)
so that your subieei may net be cropped (Fig )7) To lake
pictvres, hold the camera eithar vertically ot henaonially
as steady as you can and press Shutter Release Button
'F> solwly artd smoolNy all me way down (Fig 16)
Rapid aaquorKO photography
When you lake pictures outdoors m l»ne waa'het, you can
make rapid seputnee biclures by merely pressing Shutter
Release Bution (F) wiiheui
edjustrig exposures and
dislarKes to do so. simply set Distanco Scale (Q) at
the green
nwk Auto Manual Rmg ($) at the green
Atuto) and Shutter Speed Ring (R) at the green
(I 125 sec) (Fig 19)
Your subjects (rom i 6
to 9m (S to 90 ft) will be m sharp focus if Distance
Scale (Q) is set at the green
mark Therelore. lor
fuHy amomalK arxl rapid seouence photography. iusi
Set ah centtofs to the 6RFCK positions
Your RKOh 500 Qt has
special mum exposure device
which enables you to enioy ehotegtapi^y you Itave never
experienced with rangelirtder type cameras o( other
make This device will give you a lot of creative tun. too
^of muRI exposure, make the first exposure m Ihe normal
way of p<turetalung For the second exposure, set Muhi
exposure Lock Knob (GO) i.p to the green mark end slide
Muitt exposure Lever {Pi wiih youi finger ih the direclion