Picture 29 – Regulation of the air intake lever. The
valve is open in correspondence of the
position indicated by letter "A" while it
is closed in the position indicated with
letter "B".
WARNING! On RTVE thermal cookers,when loading wood, it is recommended to keep a
distance of some centimetres between the fire door and the combustible, in order to not
expose the glass to high temperatures that could damage it.
The thermal cookers are endowed with an height
adjustable grill which allows to adjust the com-
bustion chamber's dimensions according to user's
needs. The upper position allows to have the flame
in direct contact with the plate, it is the best posi-
tion for cooking. The lower position instead allows
to have a more capacious combustion chamber
and so to have more autonomy, it is the best solu-
tion to keep the room warm for a longer time. The
grill must be regulated with cold thermal cooker
using the special tool given together with the ther-
mal cooker, the connection point to regulate it is
placed inside the ash drawer.
Picture 30 – Regulation of primary and secondary
air. The regulator opens rolling the hand
grip clockwise.
Picture 31 - Regulation of fire grill's height