Original instructions
6.2.3 Automatic Single Scheduling
In the settings interface, place the cursor on the "Scheduling setting" icon and
press the OK button to enter the scheduling settings menu. On the left side of
the LCD screen, "Week" and "Auto" are displayed and the cursor defaults
towards "Auto". Press the OK button to move the cursor to the right and use
the START and HOME buttons to move the cursor to the "Auto" line. Click OK to
turn on/off automatic scheduling, move to the "Start time" line, modify the start
time by clicking START, HOME and OK. Then, move to "Week". Press OK to
select whether to work on that day. Press the "ON/OFF" button to return to the
previous menu. In case manual single scheduling control is to be carried out, it is
necessary to turn off the automatic mode and use the corresponding settings.
The settings should be consistent with the manual single scheduling operation.