Flight Characteristics; Takeoff - Advance SIGMA 7 Manuel D'utilisation

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Flight characteristics

We recommend that you make your fi rst fl ights with a new glider in
quiet conditions, in a familiar fl ying area. A few pull-ups at an easy si-
te will give you confi dence in handling the SIGMA 7 from the very be-


Before every takeoff carry out the following pre-takeoff checks:
Harness and helmet done up, reserve OK?
Lines free?
Canopy open?
Wind direction and strength assessed?
Airspace and fi eld-of-view clear?
The SIGMA 7 takeoff behaviour is very smooth and easy for both for-
ward and reverse takeoffs. The canopy infl ates quickly and rises pro-
gressively, without hanging or shooting in front.
The canopy should be laid out in a slightly curved shape so that it fi lls
cleanly from the middle out.
Tip: To get the wing in the right shape for takeoff pull the bra-
ke lines in until they are all under tension while you are sorting
the lines. This will produce the best curve.
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08290300_Advance_HB_SIGMA7.indd 48
Forward takeoff
The SIGMA 7 only needs a moderate pull-up impulse even in a light
wind. It is not necessary to step back and 'run' into the lines. Guide
the glider up with pronounced leaning forward, but without too much
of a pull on the A risers, until the canopy is overhead. During the pull-
up phase any correcting should only be done by decisive going-un-
der-the-wing, without using the brakes. After any necessary correc-
ting and a visual check a few determined steps with good leaning
forwards will achieve lift off, even in little wind.
Reverse takeoff
The reverse pull-up is chiefl y recommended in stronger wind. Becau-
se of the long lines the pilot should walk towards the glider during the
pull-up, enough to control the pressure on the rising glider and redu-
ce its tendency to overshoot. During the pull-up directional correc-
tions should only be made by walking under. Turning round and ta-
king off with the SIGMA 7 is straightforward.
Tip: Playing with the glider on fl at ground in a light wind de-
velops a good feeling for the wing. The ADVANCE test team
have a motto: an hour on the ground is worth ten fl ights.
04.06.2008 14:27:50 Uhr
04.06.2008 14:27:50 Uhr


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