Check the charger LEDs indica-
tors to see if the battery is in er-
ror state.
Contact Cloning Failures
This section describes the contact cloning failure scenarios
and ways to troubleshoot.
Cloning scenarios
The target radio contact list
is full.
The target radio is powered
The target radio is out of
If the Private contact or Pri-
vate Group contact ID is
not 11 digit.
Clean up the contact list
and remove the unwan-
ted contacts.
Ensure the radio in ON.
Ensure the radio is in the
Ensure the contact ID is
11 digit.
Cloning scenarios
The target radio Profile ID
Number (PIN) is 0000 and
contact to be cloned or de-
leted is within Public Group
The target radio PIN is
locked and the contact to
be cloned or deleted hop-
set is different from the tar-
get radio.
If All is selected in the Re-
mote Add screen, the tar-
get radio and Source radio
password does not match.
Target radio is receiving or
transmitting calls.
Home Group and Group
Only contacts are empty in
the target radio.
Ensure the target radio
PIN is not 0000 and the
contact is not within Pub-
lic Group 1-20.
Ensure the radio PIN is
not locked or same hop-
set as the target radio.
Ensure the PIN matches
Source radio.
Ensure the password
matches or the target ra-
dio does not have pass-
Perform clone after tar-
get radio is done with re-
ceiving or transmitting.
Enable legacy DTR Pri-
vate Settings through
Customer Programming
Software (CPS). Radio