WELDING ....... One uses this multi-functional key to navigate to "Data entry" in order to start
Data entry (general description)
The majority of data can be entered either manually or by means of a barcode scanner.
Barcode scanner
A barcode is read in in that a barcode scanner is held at a distance of about 5 - 10 cm in front of
the barcode. If the barcode scanner is in Standby mode, shortly press the button on the hand-
grip of the scanner; the scanner switches on. The red line displays the reading area. Press the
button on the handgrip again. The barcode is read in. If the data is recognised and stored cor-
rectly a signal tone sounds and the read in data are displayed as clear text (numbers / letters) on
the welding equipment display. If the scanned in barcode matches the expected barcode, the
welding equipment also confirms the correctness of the barcode with a signal (for example the
welding equipment does not accept it if, at the point in the welding process at which the fitting
barcode should be scanned in, the barcode for the fitting traceability is scanned in instead).
Attention! A class 2 laser – never look directly into the laser beam!
Manual Input of data (letters and numbers)
Using manual entry allows both data, such as the name of the welder or the construction site, or
also the number sequences which are encoded in the barcode, to be entered, for a case where
this is illegible or the barcode reading device is defective. Letters and numbers can be entered
over the displayed alpha-numeric keyboard. The letters or numbers are located (selected) by the
arrow keys. Press OK to confirm the selection. Press the >arrow downwards< and >OK< but-
tons, one after the other, after completing the data entry. Letters and characters can be deleted
by actuating the >STOP< button.
Manual Input of numbers
If only numbers are needed for the data entry (e.g. manual entry of the scan fitting code), then
only the numbers from 0 – 9 are offered for selection. The numbers can be selected using the
>+< and >-< buttons. The >arrow to the left< and >arrow to the right< buttons are used to lo-
cate the individual numbers. After entry of the last number, also confirm this by pressing the >ar-
row to the right< button.
Performance of a welding sequence
Press the multi-function key >WELDING< on the Start screen.