that the position will be close to the MCP-joint. Make sure that the hole is not too tight as it might
cause edema. Adjust the length of the strap in order to get the extension effect needed and
secure the strap with a hook part onto the wrist strap of the Tonus-splint. If you want to combine
two fingers at the same time, use the 50 mm width and cut two holes. Apply like the one finger
application above.
The shoulder position is very important to reduce spasticity. Many patients usually sublux
their shoulder anteriorly. ErixThree Neuro shoulder can assist in creating a posterior safe
position of the shoulder joint. The ErixThree shoulder can also be combined with the NRX
Strap to create a supination strap that can be connected to the Tonus-splint.
12. Finger separation · If there is a need to separate the fingers, there is a special finger
separation strap that has been developed for Tonus. TheTON812 has four individual loops attached
into a foam strap. Apply the loops onto each finger and let the strap run from the dorsal side to
the volar part of the splint. Attach the hook parts to the platform or the foam straps on the splint.
13. Removal · To remove the splint, open the MCP strap on the splint. Use the black end of the
pump and insert that into the valve. Deflate the bladder completely and remove the pump. Open
the straps around the wrist and lower arm and remove the splint. Check the skin for pressure
marks after the use.
14. Material content · If the patient is allergic, check the material content on the labels of the
platform and cover before use.
15. Caring instructions for the cover · The cover is made from a special composition of
wool fibers that enhance ventilation and moisture transportation and also provides pressure
absorption. The cover can be machine washed in 60 degrees C using the enclosed laundry bag.
The cover should not be tumbled, it should air dry. Wool is a natural fiber; therefore the cover
might release lint or fibers during the first washings. Once the cover has dried after washing, you
can use a hair brush to make the surface soft again. We recommend that the cover should be
washed at least once a week. Replacement covers can be ordered separately.
16. Caring instructions and precautions · The platform can be wiped with a mild soap
solution or surface alcohol for disinfection. We do not recommend washing the platform along
with the cover in a washing machine.
Patients with sensitive skin, diabetes or poor circulation should be observed frequently for
pressure marks. Patients with allergies should check the material content on the label before use.
For more information consult
Mediroyal Tonus
Patienter med neurologiska sjukdomar drabbas ofta av spasticitet. Den ofrivilliga muskel-
spänningen förändras ofta snabbt och påverkas av externa faktorer; både fysiologiska men
också psykologiska som oro, humör, livsstil och smärta. En dålig handposition och instabilitet av
metakarpalbågen kan öka spasticiteten. Behandlingsfilosofin bakom Mediroyal Tonus är att ge
en bra handposition i kombination med ett individuellt dynamiskt stöd över MCP-lederna samt
en dynamiskt handledsextensionför handleden genom den uppblåsbara blåsan palmart. Vid
pumpning av blåsan får MCP-lederna ett stöd för att sträcka vilket hjälper intrinsicmuskulaturen
att sträcka i PIP- och DIP-lederna. Samtidigt får även handleden ett stöd som extenderar
handleden lätt. Syftet är att ge en konstant och jämn sträckning av flexorerna för att göra dem
mindre hypersensibla. Skenan hjälper också att bibehålla passiv rörlighet, stödja försvagad
muskulatur, töja på kontrakturer och förebygga tryck. Lederna i den övre extremiteten är som