InPro 8300 RAMS Optical Product Monitor
5.1.3 Displaying Measuring Values
The InPro 8300 RAMS has 8 parameters. Using 4 wavelengths (NIR = near, infrared, red, green and
blue), the transmitted light = concentration and the reflection = back-scattered light are measured. The
InPro 8300 RAMS also has an mA input. Here, the signal supplied by an external sensor (conductivi-
ty, density, etc.) can be connected to take parameters into account e.g. when identifying products to
decide which product is running through the pipe.
5.2 Operating Elements of the InPro 8300 RAMS Configuration
The basic functions of the operating elements of the InPro 8300 RAMS configuration are explained be-
low. For details on the function of certain operations please refer to the relevant sections of the operating
Operator-controllable fields
These are identified by their background colour (white) and the form of the mouse cursor (pointing hand)
when this is pointing at the operating elements. Some fields can only be operated after others have be-
en activated, which is indicated by a colour change (from yellow to white) and by the mouse cursor
5.2.1 File menu
Click "menu" to open the File menu.
A project that has already been saved can be loaded into the program via the "Load" menu item, can
then be changed or additions can be made and can finally be transferred to the connected InPro 8300
RAMS. The file extension is automatically set to ".rms" by the program and cannot be changed. The
"Open" Windows dialog box only includes files with this extension.
© 04/09 Mettler-Toledo AG, Greifensee
Printed in Switzerland
InPro 8300 RAMS Optical Product Monitor
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