è Information on commissioning can be found in the corresponding documenta
tion on the motor controller è section 2.2. The following sections provide a con
nection overview and an overview for checking operating status.
Connecting the motor
1. Insert the plug of the motor cable into the corresponding socket on the motor
and tighten it.
2. Insert the PHOENIX plug into the socket [X6] on the device.
3. Clamp the cable shields to the shield terminals (not suitable as strain-relief ).
4. Insert the plug of the encoder cable into the encoder output socket on the mo
tor and tighten it.
5. Insert the D-SUB plug into socket [X2A] resolver or [X2B] encoder of the device
and tighten the locking screws.
6. Check all plug connectors once again.
Connecting the power supply
1. Make sure that the power supply is switched off.
2. Insert the PHOENIX plug into the socket [X9] of the motor controller.
3. Connect the PE cable of the mains supply to the PE earth socket.
4. Connect 24 V connections with appropriate power pack.
5. Make the network power supply connections.
6. Check all plug connectors once again.
Connect the PC
1. For commissioning, you will need the FCT with CMMP-AS plug-in which can be
found on the CD-ROM supplied with the motor controller or at
è www.festo.com/sp.
Installation: Initialise "Start.exe"; administrator rights are required for installa
tion of the FCT (see Readme.txt).
2. Connect the PC to the motor controller via USB or Ethernet è Hardware descrip
Check operating status
1. Make sure that the controller enable is switched off (controller enable: DIN 5
at [X1]).
2. Switch on the power supplies of all equipment. The READY LED on the front of
the device should now light up.
è If the READY-LED is illuminated red, there is a malfunction. If an "E" appears in
the seven-segment display followed by a sequence of numbers, this is an error
message and you must rectify the cause of the error è Hardware description.
If there is no display
1. Switch off the power supply.
2. Wait 5 minutes to allow the intermediate circuit to discharge.
3. Check all connecting cables.
4. Check that the 24 V power supply is functional.
5. Switch on the power supply again.
6. If there is still no display è device is defective
Service functions and diagnostic messages
6.1 Operation and display components
The motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M0 has two LEDs on the front and one seven-
segment display for showing the operating statuses.
Seven-segment display
Displays the operating mode and a coded error number if an
error occurs è 6.2 Seven-segment display
Illuminates green
Lights up red
Illuminates green
Illuminates yellow
RESET button
Hardware reset for the processor
Operating status
Controller enable
CAN bus status display
6.2 Seven-segment display
The display and the meaning of the symbols shown are illustrated in the following
The motor controller must still be parameterised.
Signals that firmware is currently being loaded into the flash.
. (flashes)
Bootloader active (only the point flashes).
Signals that a parameter record is currently being loaded from the SD
card to the controller.
H (flashes)
"H": The motor controller is in the "safe status".
This does not have the same meaning as the information on the status of
the safety function STO (Safe Torque Off ).
Display for the function "Identify Controller".
The outer segments are displayed "rotating" in the speed adjustment
operating mode. The display depends on the actual position or speed.
The middle bar is only active when controller enable is active.
Controlled torque operation.
P x x x
Positioning ("xxx" stands for the record number, see below).
No positioning active.
Positioning record 001 ... 255 active.
Jog positive/negative.
CAM-IN / CAM-OUT (cam disc).
Direct records for manual travel via FCT or FHPP direct operation.
P H x
Homing ("x" stands for the homing phase, see below).
Phase "Search for reference point".
Phase "Crawl".
Phase "Approach zero point".
E x x y
Error message with main index "xx" and sub-index "y".
- x x y
Warning message with main index "xx" and sub-index "y". A warning is
shown at least twice on the 7-segment display.
1) Several characters are displayed one after the other.
6.3 Diagnostic messages
If an error occurs, the motor controller CMMP-AS-...-M0 shows a diagnostic
message cyclically in the seven-segment display of the motor controller
CMMP-AS-...-M0. An error message consists of an E (for Error), a main index and
sub-index, e.g.: E 0 1 0.
Warnings have the same number as an error message. In contrast to error
messages, however, warnings are preceded and followed by hyphens, e.g. - 1 7 0 -.
The meanings and the measures for the message groups are summarised in the
following table. A complete list of all error messages can be found in the
è Hardware description.
Repair and disposal
è Repair of the motor controller is not permissible. If required, replace the motor
è Observe the local regulations for environmentally-friendly disposal of electronic