User's Manual
Select the bank to back up by clicking the target bank in the list box. Multiple banks can be selected by
using the Ctrl or Shift keys on the actual keyboard. Click each bank to be backed up while pressing and
holding the Ctrl key. If you want to select all banks in a specific range, click the first and last banks to be
backed up within the range while pressing and holding the Shift key.
Move to Destination, and select a backup drive from a drop-down list.
The number of selected banks will be displayed in the Selected Banks box. The Free Backup Banks box
displays the number of banks that are available for backup.
Click the Update button to update the record bank information. After you have set up the Manual
Backup by List, click the OK button. Selecting Cancel exits the dialog box without saving the settings.
Click the Setup... button in the SmartBackup dialog box to set up the backup information. The following
Setup dialog box appears.
Move to Auto-backup, and check the box to set up auto backup. If this box is checked, the DVR will
back up automatically according to the established auto backup settings.
selected, the DVR is in the manual backup mode and follows the established manual backup settings.
See the Manual Backup section for setting up the manual backup.
Latest Backup Time shows the latest backup date and time. When the DVR is set to Auto Backup mode,
only the banks recorded after Latest Backup Time will be backed up.
Move to Period (time), and set the backup beginning time in Start, and ending time in Finish using the
arrow buttons. If you set the value to 0 for the Start and to 24 for the Finish, the DVR will back up from 0:00
to 24:00 on that day.
Move to Backup Drive. If you want to recycle all the backup drive, click the Repeat box. If the Repeat
box is not checked, the DVR stops backing up when all the backup drive is full. Click the Auto Eject box
to use the auto eject feature of the backup drive if the drive is so equipped.
NOTE: Repeat and Auto Eject can not be selected at the same time.
NOTE: Active menus under the Backup Drive will vary depending on the type of media used.
If Auto-backup is not