D o not use the product near stairs or landings.
E xercising safely requires ample room. When
exercising, keep at least 0.6 m clear around
you and the product (see Fig. I).
S tore the product in a dry safe place after use.
Do not leave the product unattended.
W arm up before you start training.
K eep to the specified sequences of movements
and do not overestimate your strength. Carry
out the exercises at a regular speed and while
breathing calmly.
Note: If you are a beginner, approx. 5–10
repetitions of around 10 seconds will be
Side stretch (see Fig. A):
S tand with your feet hip with apart. Rotate the
right foot 90° outward. Place the product to
the outside of your right foot.
L ean the upper body to the right and place
your right hand on the product.
E xtend your left arm upward. The two arms
form a line. Look forward.
H old this pose for a moment.
P erform three sets of 10–15 reps of this pose,
then switch sides.
Balancing stick (see Fig. B):
P lace the product on the floor in front of you.
B end forward and place your hands on the
E xtend your right leg back behind you. Be sure
to keep your leg straight and extended.
K eep your back straight, elbows facing out,
and the weight bearing leg slightly bent.
H old this pose for a moment.
P erform three sets of 10–15 reps of this pose,
then switch sides.
Bridge (see Fig. C):
L ie on a yoga mat, on your back, with the
10 GB/IE
product under your scram, arms next to your
B end your knees with the feet flat on the
Y our upper body and thighs form a line and
your feet are placed firmly on the floor.
H old this pose for a moment.
P erform three sets of 10–15 reps of this pose.
Half split (see Fig. D):
K neel on a yoga mat and place the products
next to you.
P lace your hands on the products and extend
your left leg in front of you.
L ower your pelvis toward the floor until you feel
a stretch in your Achilles tendon.
K eep your head in extension of your spine and
your shoulders down.
H old this pose for a moment.
P erform three sets of 10–15 reps of this pose,
then switch sides.
Hamstring stretch (see Fig. E):
S tand on a yoga mat in front of the product
with your legs spread.
L ean forward and place your hands next to the
R est your forehead on the product.
K eep your back straight, elbows outward,
knees slightly bent.
H old this pose for a moment.
P erform three sets of 10–15 reps of this pose.
Hamstring and Calf stretch (see Fig. F):
S tand on a yoga mat in front of the product,
legs hip width apart.
L ean forward and place your hands next to the
R est your forehead on the product.
K eep your back straight, elbows outward,
knees slightly bent.
H old this pose for a moment.
P erform three sets of 10–15 reps of this pose.