European technical assessment E T A - 2 0 / 0 5 4 1
English translation prepared by CSTB
Specific Part
Technical description of the product
The Injection system Hilti HIT-RE 500 V4 is a bonded fastener consisting of a foil pack with injection
mortar Hilti HIT-RE 500 V4 and a steel element.
These steel elements are:
a threaded rod Hilti HAS, Hilti HIT-V, Hilti meter rod AM 8.8 or a commercial threaded rod
with washer and hexagon nut in the range of M8 to M30 and 3/8 in. to 1 1/4 in.
a reinforcing bar (rebar) in the range of 8 to 32
a Hilti Tension anchor HZA in the range of M12 to M27 or HZA-R in the range of M12 to
an internal threaded sleeve HIS-(R)N in the range M8 to M20 and 3/8 in. to 3/4 in.
The steel element is placed into a drilled hole filled with injection mortar and is anchored via the
bond between steel element, injection mortar and concrete.
The illustration and the description of the product are given in Annexes A.
Specification of the intended use
The performances given in Section 3 are only valid if the fastener is used in compliance with the
specifications and conditions given in Annexes B.
The provisions made in this European technical assessment are based on an assumed working
life of the fastener of 50 and 100 years. The indications given on the working life cannot be
interpreted as a guarantee given by the producer, but are to be regarded only as a means for
choosing the right products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life of the
Performance of the product
Mechanical resistance and stability (BWR 1)
Essential characteristic
Characteristic resistance for static and quasi static loads,
Characteristic resistance for seismic performance
category C1
Characteristic resistance for seismic performance
category C2, Displacements
Safety in case of fire (BWR 2)
Essential characteristic
Reaction to fire
Resistance to fire
Hygiene, health and the environment (BWR 3)
Regarding dangerous substances contained in this European technical approval, there may be
requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g. transposed European
legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the
provisions of the Construction Products Directive, these requirements need also to be complied
with, when and where they apply.
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See Annex C1 to C28
See Annex C29 to C35
See Annex C36 to C38
Anchorages satisfy requirements for Class A1
No performance assessed