SEM / Field Ion Microscopes
Uncoated 3D replicas may be examined directly by SEM using low
kV (about 2 kV at high magnifi cations, it might be higher at low
magnifi cations).
For coated replicas it is possible to work satisfactorily at 20 kV if
this is required. The best magnifi cation is x2 – 3000.
Note: SEM is not suitable for the examination of fl at
microstructure samples.
Coating the Replica
For high magnifi cation SEM the replicas can be metal coated.
Take care that the replica does not become overheated.
A coating thickness of 100 Angstroms is recommended.
• Mount the replica on a glass slide or other solid surface before
coating and examine the sample whilst it is still mounted.
Note: The coating will crack, if the replica is not supported
Laser Measuring Instruments
Laser measuring equipment, having a typical resolution of 0.1 µm,
is very well suited.
Measuring Projectors
Measuring projectors with 2D or 3D facilities are very well suited.
Shadow graph is well suited for examination of the replica of a
The light should be almost parallel to the surface.
Contacting Equipment
Note: As the replica is resilient, examination by contacting
equipment cannot be recommended.