Storage of Replicas
The life span of the replicas is practically indefi nite provided
they are stored properly and they are not pressed against other
• Fold the backing paper to cover the copy and keep it in a closed
plastic bag stored in a box or similar. Alternatively, store the
replica in a tight box or similar in such a way that any contact
with the copy is avoided.
• Never put the replica under pressure.
• Store at room temperature.
Note: Do not leave the surface of the copy in direct contact with
plastic bag material.
Cleaning the Replica
Should the surface of the replica become contaminated by dust, it
can easily be cleaned.
• Use adhesive tape. The dust adheres to the tape.
• Alternatively, wash with isopropyl alcohol.
Note: Solvents other than alcohol should not be used for
cleaning the replica.
Optical Microscopy
The light intensity should be increased compared to when
examining a metal sample directly.
Removal of fi lters from the light path is recommended, especially
at high magnifi cations.
The use of polarized light and DIC at high magnifi cations
increases both contrast and resolution.
Interferome try
Interferometry can be used for precise surface measurements
including determination of surface fi nish.