Statuses of the MNS LED
After application of voltage (connection of the network line), the following functional test of the two-
colour MNS LED is performed:
• LED lights briefly green (ca. ¼ s).
• LED lights briefly red (ca. ¼ s).
• LED off.
After completion of the functional test, the device statuses described in the following table can be
displayed by the MNS LED.
LED status
Device status
No voltage/not online
Online, connection to
Master exists
Online, no connection
Green flashing
to Master
Red flashing
Critical error
Explanation / Problem elimination
- Device not supplied with voltage
- Device has not yet ended Dublicate MAC-ID test
(last ca. 2 s).
> Connect further devices if device is sole net participant.
> Exchange device.
- Normal operating status with connection made to Master.
- Normal operating status without connection made to Master.
- One or more I/O connections are in time-out status.
> Make new connection to Master to assure that I/O data are
transmitted cyclically.
- Another device with the same MAC-IDin network
> Change MAC-ID and restart
- BUS OFF because of communication problems.
> Check network data rate; exchange device if unsuccessful.
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