Report prepared for: Guillaume Thibodeau-Fortin (Stove Builder International Inc.) on 9/6/2018 2:01:07 PM
Test report 103536746MTL-002 (8 of 21)
Report No.: 103536746MTL-002
Date: 07/13/18
Particulates were sampled in strict accordance with ASTM E2515-2011. This method uses two
identical sampling systems with Gelman A/E 61631 binder free, 47-mm diameter filters. The
dryers used in the sample systems are filled with "Drierite" before each test run. In order to
measure first-hour emissions rates the a third filter set is prepared at one hour into the test run,
the filter sets are changed in one of the two sample trains. The two filter sets used for this train
are analyzed individually to determine the first hour and total emissions rate.
At the conclusion of each test program the dry gas meters are checked against our standard dry
gas meter. Three runs are made on each dry gas meter used during the test program. The
average calibration factors obtained are then compared with the six-month calibration factor
and, if within 5%, the six-month factor is used to calculate standard volumes. Results of this
calibration are contained in Appendix E.
An integral part of the post test calibration procedure is a leak check of the pressure side by
plugging the system exhaust and pressurizing the system to 10" W.C. The system is judged to be
leak free if it retains the pressure for at least 10 minutes.
The standard dry gas meter is calibrated every 6 months using a Spirometer designed by the EPA
Emissions Measurement Branch. The process involves sampling the train operation for 1 cubic
foot of volume. With readings made to .001 ft
than the ±2% required by the standard.
The stack sample rotameter is checked by running three tests at each flow rate used during the
test program. The flow rate is checked by running the rotameter in series with one of the dry
gas meters for 10 minutes with the rotameter at a constant setting. The dry gas meter volume
measured is then corrected to standard temperature and pressure conditions. The flow rate
determined is then used to calculate actual sampled volumes.
The continuous analyzers are zeroed and spanned before each test with appropriate gases. A
mid-scale multi-component calibration gas is then analyzed (values are recorded). At the
conclusion of a test, the instruments are checked again with zero, span and calibration gases
(values are recorded only). The drift in each meter is then calculated and must not exceed 5% of
the scale used for the test.
At the conclusion of each unit test program, a three-point calibration check is made. This
calibration check must meet accuracy requirements of the applicable standards. Consistent
deviations between analyzer readings and calibration gas concentrations are used to correct
data before computer processing. Data is also corrected for interferences as prescribed by the
instrument manufacturer's instructions.
Version: 05/10/17
Stove Builder International Inc. | 44826 | Rev: Aug 31 2018 3:17PM | Uncontrolled Copy
, the resolution is .1%, giving an accuracy higher
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8431 Murphy Drive
Middleton, WI 53562
Telephone: 608-836-4400
Facsimile: 608-831-9279
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