• The serial number of the product not having been destroyed or
The STOKKE® "Extended Warranty" does not cover:
• Issues caused by normal developments in the parts making up
the product (e.g. colouration changes, as well as wear and tear).
• Issues caused by minor variations in materials (e.g. discoloration
between parts).
• Issues caused by extreme influence from external factors like sun/
light, temperature, humidity, environmental pollution, etc.
• Damage caused by accidents/mishaps - for example any other
objects having bumped into the product or any person having
overturned the product by colliding with it. The same applies if
the product has been overloaded, for example in terms of the
weight placed on it.
• Damage inflicted on the product by external influence, for example
when the product is being shipped as luggage.
• Consequential damage, for example damage inflicted on any persons
and/or any other objects.
• If the product has been fitted with any accessories that have not
been supplied by Stokke, the "Extended Warranty" shall lapse.
• The "Extended Warranty" shall not apply to any accessories that
have been purchased or supplied together with the product, or at
a subsequent date.
STOKKE will under the "Extended Warranty":
• Replace or – if STOKKE thus prefers – repair the defective part, or
the product in its entirety (if necessary), provided that the product
is delivered to a retailer.
• Cover normal transport costs for any replacement part/product from
STOKKE to the retailer from whom the product was purchased. – No
transport costs on the part of the purchaser are covered under the
terms of the warranty.
• Reserve the right to replace, at the time of the warranty being
invoked, defective parts by parts that are of approximately the
same design.
| S TO K K E
• Reserve the right to supply a replacement product in cases where
the relevant product is no longer being manufactured at the time of
the warranty being invoked. Such product shall be of corresponding
quality and value
How to invoke the "Extended Warranty":
Generally speaking, all requests relating to the "Extended
Warranty" shall be made to the retailer from whom the product
was purchased. Such request shall be made as soon as possible after
any defect has been discovered, and shall be accompanied by the
warranty certificate as well as the original purchase receipt.
Documentation/evidence confirming the manufacturing defect
shall be presented, normally by way of the product being brought
along to the reseller, or otherwise being presented to the reseller or
a STOKKE sales representative for inspection.
The defect will be remedied in accordance with the above provi-
sions if the reseller or a STOKKE sales representative determines that
the damage is caused by a manufacturing defect.
:إرشادا ت مهمة
الرجاء االطالع عىل
اإلرشادات بعناية قبل
استخدام املنتج، كام يرجى
وضع كتيب اإلرشادات يف
مكان معروف للرجوع إليه
ً ً ً ً مستقب ال
،مجك 9 نزو ىتحو ةدلوال يثيدح الفطا جتنا اذه بسان
ز ارط نم القنا ريسا نومدختيسStokke® Xplory®.
22 نزو ىتحو رهشأ 6 نس نم ةيادب الفطا جتنا اذه بساين
دعقم نومدختيس منم ،برقأ مهيأ ماوعأ 4 رمع ىتح وأ مجك
نم الفطأ ةبرعStokke®
ةبرع دعقم لخاد لفطا ةداسو مادختسا نع فقوتا نيك
الفطأStokke® ًادرفنم سولجا لع ًارداق كلفط حبيص امدنع
.دحأ نم ةدعاسم نود
ف إل دحاو نآ ف دحاو لفط نم ثكأ ةبرعا مدختيس أل يغبني
حميس ُ ثيح ،تخا وأ خلل صصخا ّرجا حول مادختسا ةالح
ٍ ف دحاو لفط( صقأ دحب ننثا نلفطل ةبرعا مادختساب
ذئدنع.)ةبرعاب لصتا ّرجا حول لع رخاو دعقا
عابت يتاو( لفطا تا ر ايغو ضارغأ ةبيقح نزول صقا دحا بتعي
.الطرأ 4.4\مجك 2 )لصفنم لكشب
معلومات مهمة