▶ Connect additional monitoring devices and integrate
them into the safety chain, if required.
▶ Connect the power voltage supply of the motor ac-
cording to the intended motor start.
▶ Mount bridges if necessary.
▶ Check all cables for tight fit.
6.2 Dimensioning components
▶ Select motor contactors, cables and fuses according
to the maximum operating current of the compressor
and the maximum power consumption of the motor
in case of direct-on-line start. With other starting
methods according to the lower load.
▶ Use the motor contactors according to the opera-
tional category AC3.
▶ Select overload protective devices in case of direct-
on-line start according to maximum operating current
of the compressor. With other starting methods ac-
cording to the lower operating current.
6.3 Motor versions
The series CS.6., CS.7. and CS.8. are equipped with a
part-winding motor. A star-delta motor is also available
as an option.
The series CS.9. and CS.105 are generally equipped
with a star-delta motor.
Both motor types may be operated with frequency in-
verter (FI) or soft starter.
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
Part winding motor or "PW"
Strictly observe the order of the part windings! Inter-
changed electrical connections will lead to opposite
fields of rotation or to fields of rotation out of phase.
Therefore the motor locks or the compressor starts
against the rotation direction!
Starting methods
• part winding start to reduce the starting current
• direct-on-line start
Part winding start
• Winding partition 50%/50%
▶ Connect the mains phases at motor pins according
to the label in the terminal box cover.
▶ 1st part winding: motor pins 1 / 2 / 3
▶ 2nd part winding: motor pins 7 / 8 / 9 or 6 / 4 / 5
▶ Rate each motor contactor according to 60% of the
max. operating current.
▶ Set the time delay until the 2nd part winding is
switched on to max. 0.5 s.
Direct-on-line start
▶ Connect the mains phases at motor pins according
to the label in the terminal box cover.
▶ Mount bridges according to the label in the terminal
box cover.
Star-delta motor "Y/Δ"
Interchanged electrical connections will lead to short-
circuit or the compressor starts against the rotation dir-
Starting methods
• star-delta transition to reduce the starting current
• direct-on-line start is possible in delta and in star
– delta direct-on-line start: equals nominal motor
– star direct-on-line start: equals √3 times of nom-
inal motor voltage
Star-delta start
▶ Connect the mains phases at motor pins according
to the label in the terminal box cover. Choose the
preferred power connection: 7-L2, 8-L3, 9-L1.
▶ Rate main contactor K1 and delta contactor K2 ac-
cording to at least 60% of the max. operating cur-
▶ Rate star contactor K3 according to at least 33% of
the max. operating current.
▶ The star phase, that means the time delay between
switch-on of the compressor and switch-over from
star to delta operation, shall be within these times:
1 .. 2 s up to series HS.85 and CS.8.
1,5 .. 2 s from series HS.95 and CS.9. on