Digisystem, How to Use the Locator
Sweep Search
Define the area to be excavated.
1. In Power mode cross the site from left to right keeping the Locator upright, taking
care not to swing the unit. Turn through 90 degrees and repeat.
Ensure that the Locator is held in an upright position and close to the ground.
2. Continue the sweep until either a signal is located or you are satisfied that the area
has been adequately tested.
In the presence of a service emitting a traceable signal a tone will be emitted
and the signal strength indicator will rise and fall as you pass over it.
3. Repeat the Sweep Search process in Radio mode.
The Sweep Search must be conducted in Power and Radio modes as a
minimum, as not all services (including some electrical ones) emit a power
signal. These services may be found using Radio mode or active modes.
The unit will automatically
select Power mode and
maximum sensitivity.
Auto mode combines the
benefit of simultaneous
detection in Power and
Radio modes and helps to
confirm the presence of
services upon initial site
occupation. Improved defi-
nition of the service will be
provided by single mode