P52 = Loop break alarm deviation
This parameter is available only when P51 is different
from "diS".
Range: from 0 to 500 units.
P53 =
Loop break alarm time.
This parameter is available only when P51 is different
from "dIS".
Programmable from 00.01 to 40.00 mm.ss.
P54 = Loop break alarm hysteresis.
This parameter is available only when P51 is different
from "dIS".
Programmable from 1to 50% of the power output.
P55 =
Security code for configuration parameters
No protection (it is always possible to modify all
configuration parameters);
Always protected (it is not possible to modify any
configuration parameter);
from 2 to 9999 security code for configuration parameter
1) If a value from 2 to 9999 has been assigned as security
code it cannot be displayed anymore, when returning
on this parameter the display will show "On".
2) If the security code is forgotten a master key code is
available, by this code it is ever possible to enter in
modify configuration mode (S.CnF = 1 or from 2 to
The master key code is located in Appendix A.
Fill out and cut the part of the Appendix A reserved to
the security codes if it is desired to keep them secrets.
C. End = End configuration
This parameter allows to come back to the run time mode.
NO =
the instrument remains in configuration mode and
comes back to the first display of the configura-
tion mode (dF.Cn).
YES = This selection ends the configuration mode. the
instrument performs an automatic reset and
restart the run time mode.
26/04/01, 16.46