If you have edited the method for a three-point calibration, the result
screen above is replaced by "Dip electrode in buffer 10.012 " then
steps 6 and 7 are repeated for buffer no.3.
Zero pH will be accepted between the Min ZeropH Limit and Max
ZeropH Limit entered in Edit CALIBRATION; refer to page 36.
Sensitivity will be accepted between the Min Sens. Limit and Max
Sens. Limit entered in Edit CALIBRATION; refer to page 36.
If a printer is connected, the calibration data will automatically be
printed out and stored in the GLP table.
Note: The following calibration data are stored as default values in the
PHM220: zero pH: 7.00, sensitivity: 100%, temperature: 25°C. If you wish
the first line of the calibration GLP table to be replaced by these default
values proceed as follows:
a. Hold down the Mode key for 4 seconds.
b. Using the left or right arrow key select Reset pH method Yes .
Press the down arrow key to move to the next display.
c. Using the left or right arrow key select Reset pH confirm Yes .
The calibration data shown in the first line of the GLP table, will have
moved to the second line. The calibration default values will now appear
in the first line and be used when running a sample measurement if a new
calibration has not been performed.
WARNING: The reset operation will also lead to the replacement of all the
method parameters by default values. A table of these values is shown on
page 61.
After calibration, press the
measuring mode, or press the Mode key to return to the mode display.
Chapter 2
key or the Sample key to go to the