Large display
Powerful Action
The power of a grinding and pol-
ish ing machine has never been so
strong, making it a sturdy and tough
prep a ra tion machine. The main
motor is built into a strong, welded
frame. The whole machine is de-
signed for vi bra tion free prep a ra tion.
Double start buttons is standard on
the AbraPol-10 se cur ing the user the
maximum safe ty.
The AbraPol-10 is an automatic ma-
chine controlled by a user-friend ly
interface. A large display makes it
easy to select or create a prepara-
tion method. Only few op er a tion
keys are necessary to start or create
a preparation method.
Metalog Guide Methods
The Metalog guide methods which
are covering the preparation of most
materials are incorporated in the
menu program. A suitable meth od
can easily be selected when new
materials have to be prepared.
The method can even be copied,
changed and saved for further use.
Integrated bottle unit
The placement of the consumables
is integrated in the front of the ma-
chine making the access for chang-
ing bottles or chang ing tubes in
pumps ex treme ly easy. The standard
version comes with 3 pumps for
sus pen sion and lubricants. It can be
ex pand ed with 3 additional pumps
of which one is for OP Suspensions.
The bottle unit is protected by two
strong clear plastic doors allow-
ing an easy monitoring of the con-
sum a ble levels. The tubes can easily
go through the bottle unit to reach
larger containers placed on the fl oor
e.g. lubricants.
Peristaltic pumps for dosing
Peristaltic pumps always supplies
the correct amount of sus pen sions,
lubricants and oxide pol ish ing sus-
pen sions, just where it is needed.
A unique feature of the peristaltic
pumps is that they are entirely aero-
sol-free and thus rep re sent an envi-
ronment-friendly alternative.
A material removal unit can be ad-
d ed for precise control of ma te ri al
removal rate. A new and ad vanced
potentiometer is the basic principle
in the material removal unit. It is a
quick and easy op er a tion that is
com plete ly software monitored. The
removal can be adjusted with 10 μm
intervals. This can be used with ad-
van tage in the following instances :
- To remove the specifi ed amount
of material when preparing
brittle materials (e.g. plasma
sprayed coat ings)
- In three dimensional analysis
where material has to be re-
moved in successive steps.
- Or simply to make sure to re-
move suffi cient material from a
damaged surface (e.g. a bad
The user saves time and consuma-
bles, and it allows an en tire prepara-
tion cycle to be per formed on an
ad e quate ground specimen.
Another accessory for AbraPol-10
is the disc cooling. A combination
of high-speed preparation and high
through put will generate heat and in-
crease the temperature of the prepa-
ration disc. The increase in tem-
per a ture will boost the evap o ra tion
of lubricant and the cloth might run
dry which can re sult in damage of
both cloth and specimens. For users
with high throughput it is therefore
highly recommended to use the disc
cool ing sys tem.
Abra System
AbraPol-10 is a highly adaptable
machine that will meet all your
needs. In its basic form it comes
with a stand ard tap water cooling
system and a dosing unit with three
pumps. But it can also be supplied
with a recirculation cool ing unit, for
example if the user wants to reduce
the risk of cor ro sion in connection
with the prep a ra tion of ferrous ma-
The Abra System also includes the
plane grinding machine, Abraplan. A
company with high capacity re quire -
ments will fi nd the ideal so lu tion is
an Abraplan for plane grind ing, an
AbraPol-10 for fi ne grinding and a
second AbraPol-10 for pol ish ing.
AbraPol-10 in cludes an integrated dosing unit
for Diamond Suspension and