AbraPol-10 is a powerful, high ca-
pacity machine setting new stand-
ards for grinding and pol ish ing. Nev-
er before has a prep a ra tion machine
been so fast per-form ing thus saving
valuable time for the user.
A user-friendly interface makes it
easy to operate the machine and
establish new preparation meth ods.
Metalog Guide methods are also
included, covering the prep a ra tion of
most materials. Thus, even opera-
tors with lim it ed prep a ra tion experi-
ence can prepare all kinds of materi-
als immediately.
AbraPol-10 handles quickly and eas-
ily just about any sample and fi ts in
any production environment. Year af-
ter year it lives up to the demand of
the daily high volume metallographic
sample preparation.
Reduced Preparation Time
AbraPol-10 is the fastest prep a ra tion
machine on the market, set ting new
standards in metallograph ic sample
prep a ra tion.
New movable
dosing arm
Tough fl oor-based
grinding and pol ish ing
ma chine
Low carbon steel
Preparation Method for low
carbon steel:
Disc size (mm)
Sample holder size (mm)
Number of samples
Plane Grinding
Speed – disc/specimen holder (rpm)
Time (min)
Fine Grinding 1
Speed - disc/specimen holder (rpm)
Speed - disc/specimen holder (rpm)
Oxide Polishing
Speed - disc/specimen holder (rpm)
Time (min)
Total preparation time
It is now possible to reduce the total
preparation time by up to 50% com-
pared to current tech nol o gy available
on the market and at the same time
increase the number and area of
samples by 30%.
Using AbraPol-10, the effect will be
outstanding: double the through put
of large samples and save valuable
time for the user.
The keys to these remarkable
results are to be found through a
combination of high rotation speed
and the in creased area of the prep a -
ra tion disc.
AbraPol-10 is designed for a new
and larger 350 mm disc. The in-
creased area of the disc allows an
effi cient utilisation of 200 mm spec-
i men holders. Combining this with
a 300 rpm rotation speed, the total
preparation time is reduced by 50%.
The total preparation time after plane
grinding, e.g. for WC/Co sintered
carbides will be reduced from 17 min
The original set-up
New set-up
6 x 30 mm dia.
8 x 40 mm dia.
The original set-up
New set-up
MD-Piano 220
MD-Piano 220
Until plane
Until plane
4 min.
2 min. 20 sec.
SP-PoliSat 1
4 min.
2 min. 30 sec.
SP-PoliCel 1
10 min.
5 min. 50 sec.
to 7 min, and for low carbon steel
the reduction will be from 10 min to
5 min. 50 sec.
Reduced Preparation Cost
AbraPol-10 is not only saving val-
u a ble time for the user, but also
sub stan tial ly reduces preparation
cost. As a result of the reduced
preparation time, the consumption
of diamond suspension will de crease
with 20%.
The large surface of the 350 mm
disc signifi cantly increases in the
lifetime of the grinding and pol ish ing
sur fac es. Tests have shown that the
grinding and polishing sur face life-
time increases by up to 70%.
In short, the preparation time and
the consumption of diamond sus-
pen sion is reduced while the life-
time of the preparation surfaces is
increased. That makes AbraPol-10
the most economic high volume
preparation ma chine available on the