7. Expression
l Use the MAINTAIN program after milk
coming in:
– Once you have pumped at least 20 mL
in total in each of your last three
pumping sessions, OR
– Beginning on day six, whichever of the
two options comes first.
l Always disconnect the Symphony from
the power source after expression.
l The program stores the last vacuum
setting in the stimulation phase.
l For the MAINTAIN program:
Press the "Let-down" button
revert from the expression phase to the
stimulation phase if necessary. If milk
has not begun to flow after two
successive stimulation phases, you
should take a break and try again in
15–30 minutes. Also, you could try
breast massage and then pump using
the expression phase.
l If the pump has been running for
30 minutes without any manipulations
(e.g. adjustment of the vacuum), the
Symphony will automatically switch off.
7.6 Operation:
Press the On/off button
switch on the breast pump.
The MAINTAIN program will auto-
matically start with the stimulation
phase after pressing the On/off
Set the comfort vacuum for the
expression phase (see chapter 7.4).
The bars on the display show the
vacuum level. The more bars, the
stronger the vacuum.
MAINTAIN program