nstallation of the SKYRAIL base bracket T-shape SR-105 in the
Please note:
Tightening torque of all screws M8 = 22 Nm
Tightening torque of all screws M6 = 10 Nm
Fig. 1 Installation of SR-105 basic console
SKYRAIL Rail Connector SR-109 in the SKYRAIL Rail SR-101
Screw retention?
Fig. 2 Installation of SR-109 rail connector
SR-105/SR-105-80 Slide the SKYRAIL T-shaped basic console into
the SR-101-X SKYRAIL and position (positioning is shown in 5.7-5.9
and 6.1-6.3). Then screw in the clamping bolts using size TX25 Torx
key and tighten to 18 Nm, repeat at least twice to counteract any
potential placement of the clamping screws.
Slide in and SR-109 SKYRAIL Rail Connector in SR-101-X SKYRAIL Rail and
position in such a manner that 2 tapped bores can still be seen.
Then tighten countersunk screws with a Torx wrench, size TX40;
tighten to 22 Nm.
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