You can replace the lemon juice with pineapple juice or with commonly available vitamin C. Some fruits have
natural protective wax coating, e.g. fi gs, plums, grapes, blueberries, etc.
Immerse them in boiling water for 1–2 minutes, drain and immerse immediately in cold water and dry off .
Slice and dehydrate. Pores in the peel open and the drying will speed up.
Most kinds of produce should be blanched before drying. Blanching limits any change to appearance and
taste of the treated products. It is scalding or boiling of fruit and vegetables for a short time (1–5 minutes).
Place the prepared produce (e.g. carrots, celery) in a wire basket or strainer and immerse it in a pot of boiling
water. Dry completely before putting it in the dehydrator.
Blanching in a suitable solution helps to preserve the colour of apples, apricots, fi gs, nectarines, peaches, pears
and plums. The result will be sweetened candied fruit. It is necessary to try the eff ectiveness of these methods.
You can soak fruit and vegetables in these solutions:
Compared to other methods, lemon juice and pineapple juice are the natural way how to preserve colour.
Sodium sulphite: Buy the product for food preparation in the pharmacy.
Citric and ascorbic acid add "a sour taste of vitamin C" to the product.
Blanching in boiling water or steam
Blanching in juice will help to preserve the colour of apples, apricots, fi gs, nectarines, peaches, pears and
plums. The result will be sweetened candied fruit.
4. Set the required drying temperature with the temperature control. The minimum number of trays to
ensure proper drying is 5!
Types of food
Baked goods
Fruit (apples)
Fruit (pears)
Fruit (apricots, peaches, plums)
Meat, fi sh
The drying temperature is only approximate, it depends on the thickness of the slices, the water content
in the foods and other factors. You have to try which setting suits you until you are satisfi ed with the
dried products.
5. Switch the On button to position I.
6. The trays at the bottom part of the dehydrator are exposed to warmer and drier air and the product dries
faster. It is therefore necessary to change the order of the trays during drying (divide the drying time
in two changes). During the drying, which might take up to 24 hours (fruit with peel – cherries, plums)
change the order of the trays every 3–4 hours to ensure even drying throughout the dehydrator). Change
the trays approximately as shown in the picture and turn them to the side by a quarter turn to ensure
even drying.
The dehydrator
Recommended temperature
35 – 40 °C
40 – 50 °C
50 – 55 °C
55 – 60 °C
55 – 60 °C
55 – 60 °C
65 – 70 °C
The dehydrator
The dehydrator